Saints Simon & Jude Mission Outreach team

Share Ourselves volunteer Julie Katayama (5th from left) dropping off donations with Saints Simon & Jude Mission Outreach Team.

Support from Saints Simon & Jude Catholic Church

No matter how fortunate we’ve been in life, we’ve all felt the pains of hunger creep up on us. Hunger is a universal sensation. Food is a critical determinant of health and the Saints Simon & Jude Catholic Church’s (SSJ) Mission Outreach team recognize this aspect as part of their mission to feed the hungry, help the working poor and marginalized in Orange County. 

The SSJ Mission Outreach team first connected with Share Ourselves in 2020. They were looking for ways to magnify their impact in the community. During this time, most people were stuck at home wondering how they could still engage with the community and serve others. The Mission Outreach group searched for local nonprofits to work with and a beautiful partnership blossomed with Share Ourselves.

Partnering with Share Ourselves

Initially, SSJ’s involvement with Share Ourselves was strictly financial support due to Covid restrictions. But this didn’t matter to the SSJ community, who were thrilled by the idea of participating in food drives, sock drives, and more. 

Once restrictions loosened up, SSJ expanded their donation and volunteer programs. Their school groups would assemble sandwiches for the Share Ourselves food pantry. They would set up workstations in the classroom or church building, assembling sandwiches and sack lunches. The teachers would ask the kids to draw on the lunch bags and write encouraging notes. 

“It’s fun to do the lunches because kids can relate when they’re hungry,” said Louise Nakamine from the SSJ Mission Outreach team. The goal is to get the kids thinking about who they are giving to and why it matters. Knowing what it feels like to be hungry helps put the work into perspective. The kids learn not only about feeding the hungry but also about the challenges our low-income and unhoused neighbors face. 

While the team doesn’t make sandwiches anymore due to updates in the food pantry, SSJ continues to hold donation drives and activities for their parishioners. From food drives, sock drives, and cold weather clothing drives to assembling hygiene kits, snack bags, and participating in Share Ourselves’ Adopt A Family program, SSJ remains active in their mission of serving the local community. 

Louise is excited to see how the SSJ community got behind the idea of Mission Outreach. Church members often ask her when the next program is coming up or when they are hosting another donation drive. What started as making turkey sandwiches has turned into an inspiration to live a life of service. 

Saints Simon & Jude Catholic Church Advent Food Drive donation to Share Ourselves.

Finding opportunities to volunteer

Part of the SSJ’s vision is to motivate members to become actively engaged in the community.  Julie Katayama, a Share Ourselves volunteer since 2022, is the perfect example of this vision. She recalls that SSJ held a community outreach event where they invited members from local nonprofits to speak. She was inspired by how Share Ourselves started as a social justice initiative and she immediately wanted to help. 

At first, Julie started volunteering in the food pantry packing grocery bags. Soon after, she moved to the front window where she interacts with patients face to face. Our patients come to Share Ourselves for their basic daily needs, whether it’s food, clothing, or other forms of support. For many, being greeted by a smiling, friendly face provides a much-needed respite from their daily struggles. 

Recently, Julie was volunteering at the window when a woman approached. The woman asked for a non-cooking food bag and shoes. Julie asked her what other items she need and gave some suggestions. They began talking more and bonded over their shared love of cats. These small interactions are a reminder that we are all human, regardless of our current circumstances. The woman left with a pair of shoes, a purse, a bag of food, and a smile on her face. 

“I love seeing the people and I try my best to help them. Trying to give back to the community means everything to me.”  

Julie Katayama

Saints Simon & Jude has been a great supporter of Share Ourselves for several years now, through countless donations, drives, and volunteer hours. Their service is a testament that anyone can take initiative to seek out more opportunities to give back to the OC community. Every pair of socks, hygiene kit, and financial donation makes a real impact in the lives of those we serve.